Written 9 Nov. 1789, Recorded 22 April 1799
Updated December 23, 2020
In the name of God Amen, I Richard GILLIAM of Bedford County being weak and low, do make this my last Will and Testament, that is to say
principally and first of all I give my soul unto the hands of Almighty God, who gave it and my body to the earth from whence it was taken to be interred in a Christian like manner at the discretion of my Executors hoping that at the general resurrection I shall ___ the ___ again by the mighty power of God And ____ such ____ estate ____ hath pleased God to bless me in this life, I give, devise, and bequeath in the following manner:
I lend unto my wife Mary GILLIAM during her natural life four negroes vizt James, Jenny, Amy and Morice, together with their increase Likewise the tract of land whereon I now live together with the advantage thereof to dispose of at her discretion.
I give and bequeath to my son, Richard GILLIAM, his heirs, etc, forever, five hundred sixty two acres lying on Difficult Creek in Bedford County also three negroes Creasy, Ned and Betty which said land and negroes together with the advantages thereof is to take possession of immediately after my decease and after the decease of my said wife my sd son Richard shall and may possess the said tract of land where I now live together with James, Jenny, Amy and Morice the negroes above bequeathed to my said wife together with their increase and premises of said land forever.
After my said sons Richard has been paid the sum of ten pounds to each of my grandchildren by the name of Tate and 50 pounds of lawful money to my grand daughter Polly GILLIAM and 50 pounds like money to my granddaughter Elizabeth McGehee.
I hereby nominate and appoint my wife Mary GILLIAM executrix [to this] Will heretofore by me made ratifying and confirming this to be my last Will and Testament, in Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this ninth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety-eight.
Signed, sealed, published , pronounced and delivered by Richard GILLIAM to be his last Will and Testament
Sig: Richard GILLIAM
In presence of us John Gills, Richd Hobson, Wm Poindexter, Richard Poindexter
At a court for Bedford County the 22nd day of April 1799, this last Will and Testament of Richard GILLIAM deceased was proved by the oath of Richard Hobson, Wm Poindexter, and Richard Poindexter witnesses whose names are thereto subscribed and ordered to be recorded
An on the motion of Mary GILLIAM, the Executrix therein named who made oath thereto certificate is granted her for obtaining probate in due form on giving security whereupon she together with Joseph Poindexter, Samuel Cobbs and William Poindexter her security entered into and acknowledged her bond in the penalty of five thousand dollars conditioned for the said Executrix due faithful administration of said decedents Estate and performance of his Will, liberty being reserved the other Executors therein named to join in the probate when he shall think fit.

- Bedford County, VA, Will Book 2, Pages 244-245